We have settled in. In our last post, we mentioned the waiting and anxiety. Not long after that we got a flat and my husband got a new job. We moved out on Saturday night for the new couple to move in the next day, Sunday. Api and I started our new jobs on Monday.

Talk about timing ! GO GOD!!!!! He fitted the jigsaw. Now we are all settled in and moving along. It's great to have you own space to be able to do the things you want to do when you want to do it. Below is one of my experiences.

I have been occupied with work and work and work...and being unwell last week brought me to a standstill.I was watching "American Idol" and I it was the week where the theme was 60's. Out of all the songs that I saw and enjoyed, the only one i remebered was the one line of Shirley Bassey's song, that Jordan sparks sang," I Love you" I remembered it to the point of iiritation...just one of those songs that stick....aaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

Come Sunday evening and I was as sick as a dog....I got the chills and then hot flushes and then sweat trauma...As I lay on my bed sick to the bone, I felt I was goingto die...just die. For the first time in my Christian walk, I felt sad dying. reality folks, I wasn't rejoicing like Paul, absent from the body and present with Christ. I was just sad because I knew that death would mean leaving the love of my life, behind,,,api. cried and prayed,"Lord, if I die, who will take care of Api, I just got married...ha..ha..ha..laugh it off...but it's true...

Api was my pillar of strength and among other things when i lay sick..he.cooked, cleaned, washed, everything. I felt like a sick queen. I felt the closesness and love of God through the gentle arms of my husband,my gnetle giant.

Api left me for a moment to do something and as I lay there sick out of my witts, I felt the presence of God so real with me there on my bed, I had a picture of Him holding me, pushing my hair away form my face and singing, that one line of Shirley bassey's song" I LOve You" It made sense.

I thought about that expirience as I got better and realized something, God is an exceptional Father, a wonderful Father. He is perfect and He can sing to you when you feel down and out or dying like I did.

I pray that as you go through this week, He will sing to you and comfort you...

Blessings, Apiness