Answers To Prayer

As we are settling in, we are really enjoying our space and the freedom to do what we want when we want.

Here is Api and his new beer mug that we bought from the Opt shop. We betted on how many cans it would take to fill that one out, it takes 2.5 of the 330ml. So here he is all ready to watch his rugby match and enjoy his beer and chips. Not just any chips but corn chip.
I on the other hand had to be the photographer.

We have been praying for furniture in our wee little flat and today I reckon all the prayers offered, the tears, the questions and the thanksgiving all worth it, when God answers them. We had written out a list of things tht we wanted for our flat. Sinces it is a small one, we can only ask for things that fit. So in one uninterupted brunch, this lovely couple, friends of ours, wanted to give a Cane suite away, that was in their garage. We got it and here it is. Just fits perfectly into our living room.

In our wee kitchen is alot of stuff that are answers to prayer and it is maybe the heart of our home....maybe. Because it is small I would rather have it always spick and span. Ap iis getng really good at washing dishes. It is just perfect for now....

During our honeymoon, we were in prayer for a car, and on our way back, we spent another night or two at the mount. On a simple drive about, we found this one. and bought it in a week. It has been great to have a car. Now we are dreaming of road trips and getting places in our carrrrrr......An answer to prayer. Api and I shed alot of tears in prayer aksing and begging God to bless us with a car. He did!!!
I'll say it is worth it to pray and believe for the things we need..we have a Father who hears prayers. As we hope and pray for other furniturethat we need for our flat, we are believing that God will get it for us. And it is not always free stuff , I think that sometimes we see God as the freebees company.. and He is not that! He blesses sometimes with free stuff, better buys and discounts, or money to get the stuff we need. Our part is prayer and submission to His will snd way.