Yesterday I was looking at the pictures of two of the triplets born two or three weeks ago on an island in Fiji.
Mother gave birth to one on the way to the health centre and had the other two at the health centre but she lost one of the three....I was getting all gooey at the picture of the two babies and wondering even more what my baby would look like...mmmm I was reading in my pregnancy book that at this stage of my pregnancy I will have a fascination for my baby and day dream about him and also have weird dreams...Weird yes indeed!!! I don't know what connected the baby pictures and story with chickens but my dream was out of this world. I dreamt that I was giving birth but doing so like a chicken laying eggs....laughable really! I was laying three eggs and i lost one because it fell on the floor and cracked and I was soooo sad.... I didn't even wake up afterward, I just was sad that the last egg fell on the floor and the baby died. There was an actual baby in the egg. I mean, what happened there?? Needless to say, I have had really weird dreams this week...but his one I remembered. You'd ask the question, what is the world coming to but I ask what in the heck is my brain conjuring up?

Have an ice kinda day!


Throughout the Christmas break last year, I was sick just really sick. Given my view on having children, it didn't cross my mind that I might be pregnant. I was so sick that getting out of bed seemed almost impossible. My poor husband and I were just baffled as why I was so sick. A week before I started work this year we finally decide, that maybe we should just try to have a pregnancy test to rule out the possibility of being pregnant just in case there was something more I realize that there is nothing more serious than being pregnant!

We got home did the test and it was a definite positive plus on that thing...I didn't know what to think at that husband was with me in the bathroom just as anxious. He
screamed, " Hooray! we're pregnant and I, I just cried. No tears of joy, or sadness or anything, just was mixed emotions for me. At that point I couldn't wrap my head around that fact that I, me was pregnant, inside me was a person already growing!!! Yikes! We went to see our GP (Doctor) who then informed us that I was already 8 weeks pregnant, no wonder I was sick as a dog over Christmas.

Overall I had a tough first only craving was chicken....everyday I ate chicken thanks to my wonderful husband! He cooked, cleaned, did the laundry, vacuumed and everything other chore. I felt so bad feeling so sick. Sometimes I cried for just being sick because he came back from work and then worked on our house all his cooking really improved. He ate chicken everyday with me despite the obvious that he was not really into chicken as I was, so I decided that I was going to try something else one day and opted for fish. Hubby took me to the park for a lovely picnic dinner...we ate, walked a bit and come to home only to have me spew out all my fish dinner, so we changed back to chicken...and it was chicken for the first four months...he was so relieved when we tried beef and it stayed down...after 4months of chicken....who wouldn't.

Not matter how many books I read about pregnancy nothing prepared me for what I was going through. It is an amazing journey. In the beginning I felt robbed of my life, my body, my time and health, because it was so unexpected. But when I embraced it, I felt healed, restored and there was even a sense of trust that I could nurture a person within me, I felt whole. Thankfully I have the support and love of an adoring husband and he was my pillar through that transition. He held my hand when I felt miserable, rubbed my back when everything I ate came back out, he was there through it all...I guess God knew that I needed just that.

Now I am really enjoying my pregnancy and it has sunk in, that I am truly pregnant! Motherhood still baffles me but I know that in time, I will get the hang of it...hopefully! Like I said nothing prepares you for the experience of pregnancy. At this point, I am seven months pregnant, constantly hungry, frequently tired, uncomfortable because of my belly being in the way and that restricts my movements but...I am happy!

We haven't figured out a name but we have moved to an actual house and I took a week off work to set up house and the baby room, we're buying clothes and stuff for our "Baby D" . D being for darling! We're having a boy. We haven't got a name yet but we're getting there, hopefully we have one by the time we get to the hospital for his birth...must be the Fiji time coming out...we're not late, everybody else is just we're taking our time.

The experience is something most woman endure by themselves despite the support all around. No one but a woman whose been through it will understand the mood swings, the cravings, the enlarging busts and waist, the throw ups, the discomfort, the fatigue, the anxiety, the joy of watching your stomach move because the baby is moving within, the laughter, when you know that baby is having hiccups inside and you wonder what that looks like, the thrill of seeing your baby at your first scan and the worries of how good of mother you will be to this little angel ready to be born. That's where I am at right now. Yet I feel so blessed to have dear friends, who share this experience with me, Jo who is also pregnant, 7 weeks ahead and Suzie, who has had 2 babies. I get to talk to them about my newest experiences and they just understand, get excited also and share their story...

I took my friend Babes with me to my third scan and instantly I recognized the baby when the lady was moving about up and down my belly. Babes couldn't figure out what was what until the end, when she finally got it and said, " That's a baby" was her first scan experience....

That's me....more to come when more changes happen!