In our last entry, we talked about settling in and how that went well. More and more we are realizing that it's the little things that can push those buttons and make it into the big things. When you grow in love and settle down, people well most people will tell you that it will be hard. My husband told me that it is hard when we make it hard. I concluded that there are things that are either worth changing or not worth it at all. Things worth putting an effort and energy into are annoying habits, time management, food, etc. things not worth changing are things like ones past, family, etc.

In the little things, like watching which TV programme, or clothes preferences, or what to do on date nights, those are things that can bug you the most. So, marriage is not necessarily hard work but it's alot of work. You give and take...both of you. You talk about it like civil adults and help each other up the mountain.

Even though I don't always enjoy the sports channel, my husband loves it (not more then me though) and while he obsesses over a knock on or forward pass, I can read or go to bed early or set a time schedule for the TV if we have to so that it is a win/win situation. So when Friday comes, I watch American Idol before he watches Super 14 rugby. There is a solution when you look for it and on the other end, there is trouble brewing for a fight when you look for it....

Remember to deal with the little things....

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